Supercharge Your Lead Gen Results

With This Incredible Content Marketing Bundle Created Exclusively For Drew Laughlin Subscribers!

For OVER 85% Off!!

Hello Fellow Marketer!

Just a heads up, no long-winded sales page today so if you’re looking for the entire sales page blahbitty blah go here. 

But If you’re reading this now, you're in the right place.  Because you understand the value in premium content marketing and were personally invited to this exclusive promo that is NOT open to the public!

So let me as you a question…

Do you want more of your leads to book a discovery call or strategy session with you?

Do you want to close more deals at higher rates?

Then you need to make a bigger impression…  

One that makes your leads and prospects remember you.

Educating your prospects with useful information they find value in is the #1 way you can that. 

Which is Why I Created Clicks Magazine…

Clicks Magazine helps you build trust and the authority status that separates you from your competitors.

I mean come on...

Who else has their own digital magazine right?

This fact alone will position you as an authority with new leads and prospects. Want a better way to get your foot in the door with your ideal client?  

This is it.

And for your convenience.... 

Clicks Magazine comes in 2 formats - based on your level of graphic design ability. 

Whether you are design savvy or not – in 10 minutes or less you can customize your very own digital magazine. Now ANYONE with ANY level of design experience can take advantage of this amazing looking resource guaranteed to impress!

In addition to the Web’s ONLY Whitelabel Marketing Magazine you’ll also receive 90 Days of premium “DFY” resources to add to your content marketing arsenal.

Content marketing resources like:

Copy & Paste Daily Social Media Posts 
Insightful Graphic Quote Posts
Weekly Blog Content
Visual Content: Infographics, Guestographics, Instructographics, PP Slideshows & Videos

So if you hate curating, writing & managing content for your marketing service – this is a game changer.

Now, no matter what you’ll always have something to post, share and engage your audience with.

…. And look like a rockstar marketer doing it!

Right Now You Can Get 3 of our Recent Back Issues
(Never seen by the public) normally $47 Per Issue for over 80% off!!

That's 90 Days of Copy & Paste Content Your Audience is Going to LOVE!

Just Add Your Website

Here's a sneak peak inside each issue!

You will also receive…

choose your image

DFY Social Media posts

90 more days of daily social media post content including helpful tips, marketing resources and engaging content.

Our Famous Quote Posts

Designed to Engage & Inspire Your Audience.

Visual Content

Visual Content like Infographics, Guestographics and Instructographics. Each month is different.

Weekly Blog Content

Authority content to use for your blog, social media posts & more!  

Plus, enjoy these 3 fast action bonuses for taking action today!

Bonus #1 25 Great Posts Ideas Guaranteed to Engage!

Need engaging content ideas that are guaranteed to engage your audience fast?  We’ve put together a social media cheat sheet of 25 great ideas for you to promote! 

  • Not only will you get engagement but also positions your brand as an authority Win-Win!
  • This guide will help you generate likes, shares and comments
  • If you’re a local marketer or have an agency then you totally need this!

Bonus #2 New Client Onboarding Kit

Improve the customer experience by setting the right tone from the start.  

How to make your new clients feel valued, which means more referrals for you! 

  • Improve customer experience by setting the right tone from the start 
  • Erase cognitive dissonance and buyer’s remorse that new clients might feel.
  • Your new clients will feel valued, which means more referrals for you!  

Bonus #3 The Marketers Ultimate Guide to Content Repurposing 2020

Repurposing content is taking content you've created and repackaging it so that it serves double duty.  This guide covers the best ways to make your old or existing content new again.  

  • Reach more customers 
  • Get more organic search engine traffic
  • Stop stressing over what to write about
  • Devote more time to making sales

These are significant benefits that you can't afford to ignore. 


This is a total no brainer for local marketers who want to step up their content marketing game – without sacrificing a ton of time or money. Grab this exclusive offer while you still can. 

This Special Promotion Ends In... 

I want to thank you for checking out our special promotion.  If you have any questions, CLICK HERE for fastest support.


1. I purchased this promotion but haven’t received anything in my inbox yet, what’s going on? 

Most likely our email when to your spam folder, please WHITELIST our email [email protected] to ensure you get access to your downloads and all support updates from us.  You can log into Warrior Plus and access your Purchase under “my purchases” in the top right dropdown.

2. So what exactly am I buying here? 

You are purchasing a set of expertly written content marketing resources for local marketers to use to educate your audience, promote your brand and position yourself as an authority.  This collection includes a variety of content for website and social media channels including our whitelabel marketing magazine newletter - Clicks Magazine,  Social Media Posts, Infographics, Authority Blog Content & More waiting for you inside!

AND... We’re providing this premium content for a LOT LESS than you would pay for a single piece of content by a reputable writer.

3. Wait... Don't I need original content to market my business?

The short answer is - Yes, you need to have a mix of original content that is 100% original that's written exclusively for your business.  But the rest of your content you use to engage with your prospects and position yourself as an authority does not need to be original.

This has been proved over and over by experts and major media businesses that get most of their content from curating their content from other sources online.

4. Will my competitors receive identical content?

Well anything is possible, but we live in a pretty big world. There’s over 29 million small businesses in the US alone, another 8 million in the UK and 2 million in Canada. If you’re worried about a prospect seeing the same content from your competitor, it’s highly unlikely. With that being said, I encourage you to add in your own edits with personal insights, style and tone to make the content truly yours.

5. But won't I get 'duplicate content' penalties?

The short answer is no. But to expand on that technically there is no “duplicate content penalty” It has to do with prioritized ranking of pages that contain the exact same content to index for that Google believes is most relevant first. You can read more about it here, here, here and here. But as I mentioned above, you should customize the content to add your own originality to the content.

6. Can I edit or repurpose the content?

Yes please do! We highly recommend adding your in own style, insights and tone to create content that better reflects your business. And re-purposing is one of the best ways to get the most out of your purchase. I.E. Blog content can be broken down into “content snippets” for email series, social media posts or a training series.

7. Is the MS Word Version Editable?

This version is created specifically to be quick and easy to rebrand for those who have no little or no design experience. With this format you can change the branding and website url on the cover, you can personalize the Table of Contents page with content about your business, and the Advertisement where you can edit the services to include, and business information.

But MS Word has it's limitations in terms of layout & design. So if you want to take it a step further and edit the article content, imagery or page layout this can be done with the Adobe InDesign Format (also included).

8. Is this PLR content?

Your license allows you to use this content for your personal use - You can re-brand, re-use, re-purpose the content however you want.  But there is no resell or giveaway rights included. (like selling our editable source files to other marketers or agencies)  This allows us to create a better value and a more useful collection of content for each of our members.

9. Can I request specific topics for content?

Absolutely, we love to get suggestions and feedback from our members.  We also offer bespoke content options for those who need completely custom content.  Please connect with us through our support desk if you would like more info. 

10. Can I print Clicks Magazine?

Yes Clicks Magazine can be printed but I don't recommend you do it from your standard home or business printer for a number of reasons. The first & most important being that Clicks Magazine is designed in A4 format (the industry standard for magazine) not 8.5x11 which means you'll need A4 paper. The easiest, and least time consuming way is to take it to a printing service like Kinko's, Fedex or any local printer. They'll have the best options when it comes to paper, printing & binding options. You'll end up with a much higher quality end product.

11. Can I purchase Back issues?

Sure you can purchase back issues anytime here. But our subscribers have a chance to get back issues at a substantial discount as a membership perk.

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