Launching Thursday Aug. 3rd 10am CST -  Closing Sunday Aug 6th 11:59pm CST

JV's Earn Up to $163 Promoting A
NEW Video PLR Product That Generates Traffic And Authority Instantly!

Hello JV Partners!

Thank you for checking out or JV Page, and your interest in this incredible Local PLR Promotion

If you’re looking for a local PLR offer that your list will love, then look no further! This is HOT NEW Local PLR that converts like crazy.

The front end includes over 40+ Video Shorts created to attract, engage and educate small business owners with bite sized marketing tips & tricks that help local business owners generate more leads and customers. These videos are 100% editable and are sure to impress and boost their authority at the same time! Your list is going to love this.

The Sales Funnel

Why Promote?

I’m a top 15% seller on JVZoo…  (I know I was surprised too)

And our launches are consistently top sellers on Warrior+

JV's make BANK with my promos!

But MOST importantly…


VIP JV Signup / Affiliate Links

Step 1- Subscribe to my JV list and stay informed of upcoming promotions, and future launches.

No spam ever!

Step 2- After you signed up on my JV list, make sure you sign up as an affiliate on 

Email Swipes

Day 1Opening Day

Subject: Clock's Ticking: High-Value Videos at Throwaway Prices

Hey there,

We're all about that hustle, aren't we? But let's face it, sometimes, it just makes more sense to let the experts do their thing.

Local Marketing Video Shortz is exactly that expert thing you need. Videos that talk to your audience, videos that create authority, and videos that get those leads coming.

And the sweet spot? They're editable! For less than a dollar, you get the power to resonate and influence.

Don't miss this chance. Hop on board now!

[Your Name]

Day 2

Subject: [Did you see this?] HOT PLR Videos at Ground-Level Prices!

Hey again,

Great content doesn’t have to break the bank.

Who said premium videos need premium budgets?

Local Marketing Video Shortz is here to flip that script.

These videos aren't just about capturing attention; they're about keeping it. And with less than a dollar per video, it's an absolute steal!

Get high-impact videos that not only turn heads but also turn leads into conversions.

All of this at a price that doesn't make your wallet cry.

Ready to level up your content game?

Don't delay, this is your shot!

[Your Name]

Day 3

Subject: Level Up Your Marketing Game with Video Shortz


You and I both know the impact video has on digital marketing - it's undeniable and simply unavoidable.

But let's not beat around the bush.

Quality video creation can be an arduous task, eating up both your time and resources.

Enter Local Marketing Video Shortz - a collection of tailor-made, engaging, and informative short videos. No fluff, no filler, just the meaty content that resonates with your target audience and helps you build trust and authority.

Each video is crafted to engage, educate, and even entertain your audience while subtly driving them towards your services.

The best part? You get this quality content for less than a buck per video. And yes, these are 100% editable!

It's time to supercharge your online presence and lead generation efforts.

To Your Success!

[Your Name]

Day 4

Subject: [Final Call] Last Chance to Grab Your Video Game Changer

Hey there,

This is it.

Your final shot at seizing the Local Marketing Video Shortz collection at an unbeatable price.

And the clock is ticking.

These aren't just social media videos; they are trust-building, lead-generating, client-attracting tools. And with each tick of the clock, we're closer to the end of this incredible offer.

It’s now or never to harness the power of engaging, educational, and completely customizable video content.

Your audience deserves the best.

It's time to deliver.

[Your Name]

Thank you for your support.  We wouldn’t be where we are today if it wasn’t for our JV partners. So if you ever need anything don’t hesitate to get in touch.

P.S. Working on something special? I want to collaborate with you!  I want to work with you on your next launch or upcoming project.  I can participate in multiple ways.  Let's talk!  

*In efforts to cut down on fraudulent purchases JVs are not allowed to purchase through their affiliate link and this will result in a permanent ban.

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